You can find the User Manager under the People navigation item on the left, and then clicking the Users tab.
A user is someone who has access to view and edit vehicles and jobs in your Orto Labs account. This would generally be a co-worker or contractor, such as a Sales Agent, Technician, Driver or Customer Service representative.
To start, click the ADD USER button in the top right. This will open a dialog window allowing you to provide the name and email address of the new user.
Once you click SAVE an email will be sent to the new users email address inviting them to come and register, by creating a username and password. Once they've clicked the invite link and registered with an Orto Labs account they will now be associated with your organization and the Active and Accepted states should change to green.
You'll then be able to assigns jobs and vehicles to the new user.
Note. Only the Admin user can add/edit new users or change subscriptions and billings. These options will be disabled for all other users.
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